We are keen to deliver the finest values and quality. At foodstuff we believe that nature is the source of inspiration, thus we gathered and picked all the nature’s goods for you.

We believe that ” Made In Egypt ” is a phrase that drives us to go beyond limits. We thrive to ensure premium quality products to establish our presence domestically and globally that’s why our “foodstuff” brand acquired ISO 9001 and ISO 22000 global validations

Our production process takes place in our own processing factories throughout a safe & hygienic environment to preserve the nutritional value of our goods and to supply our clients with the utmost quality.

The journey begins from the crude nature it self , as the highest quality crops are only selected processed and packaged for delivery.

The journey continues by transferring our products by our professional logistical team till it reaches you while maintaining the highest storage and packing procedures there is.

Finally the journey ends and between your hands will be premium east to prepare products keeping all its nutritional values to make the highest quality meals

Meet The Founders

Hend Abo sada

CEO & Founder